Make Bok Choy Your Bae With These Healthy Benefits - Omax Health

Make Bok Choy Your Bae With These Healthy Benefits

Make Bok Choy Your Bae With These Healthy Benefits

For the average American, Bok Choy is practically non-existent in our diet. This is primarily due to the fact that Bok Choy is primarily utilized in East Asian cuisine, more specificially Chinese cuisine. However, if more people realized how beneficial Bok Choy is to our daily vitamin intake, more people would start adding it to their meals.

Bok Choy may not be considered the best food for fiber or protein, but it is full of very important vitamins like Vitamin A and Vitamin C. In one serving of Bok Choy, you get 30% of your Vitamin A intake and over 50% of Vitamin C. It is also surprisingly a good source of Calcium, with one serving giving you about 11% of your daily intake of Calcium.

The video posted below by Active Beat breaks down what Bok Choy is and its many benefits for the human body.

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