How the weather can affect your joint pain - Omax Health

How the weather can affect your joint pain

You've probably heard of people being able to predict changes in the weather through sensations in their joints - maybe you've even experienced a rain-signaling tingle yourself. While it might sound like an improbable myth, there's a fair amount of proof that points toward a real connection.

Barometric pressure
One of the main theories behind joint pain and weather changes is adjustments in barometric pressure. According to Medicine Net, this is the term for the pressure that's given off from the air around us. When a storm is approaching, this pressure decreases. Doctors believe this change causes tissue around joints to swell, and for people who suffer from chronic muscle aches, this can create pain. The source reported that if this theory is true, the joint swelling is so minimal that only people experiencing the shift can detect it.

Psychological factors
Medicine Net noted that when weather is bad, people tend to be in negative moods. This gloominess can manifest itself physically, especially for those with regular pain. People are also more likely to remain sedentary when it's raining or snowing, which can cause aching and stiffness. According to the source, you are also inclined to feel pain during bad weather if they continuously associate the two.

"If you convince yourself that there's a relationship between the weather and your pain, then by golly, there is one. As the barometer lowers, and the clouds approach, and the wind picks up, if you think that your arthritis ought to be acting up, it will," stated Dennis Driscoll, emeritus professor of atmospheric sciences at Texas A&M and a meteorologist who focuses on studies of barometric pressure, reported the source.

Help prevent joint pain
Since you can't control the weather, it's important that you support joint health in every way you can to reduce pain. The Mayo Clinic recommended getting plenty of exercise and sleep to manage muscle aches. You should also eat a healthy diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory substances that have been shown to help with joint pain.

You can consume omega-3s through Omax3, a premium supplement. Omax3 capsules contain 91 percent concentrated omega-3s, so you can be sure you're getting the best choice for maximum human performance.

Essential takeaways

  • People with chronic joint pain often claim the weather affects their condition.
  • Doctors believe this is due to both changes in barometric pressure and psychological factors.
  • To keep your joints healthy, sleep, exercise and consume omega-3 fatty acids through the premium supplement Omax3.

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