The Doctor Speaks: How to Burn the Most Fat!

There are a lot of trending diets and nutritional guidelines out there. Among them is the Ketogenic Diet. This easy-to-follow, no-carb, high fat diet is extremely effective when done properly. This informative video from Dr. Berg’s youtube channel breaks down the medical science behind Ketosis.
From Berg Youtube:
Dr. Berg talks about how to lose belly fat and weight loss. Fat burning is a big problem because of so many myths and misconceptions about belly fat burn. There are two major fuel sources that the body uses – stored sugar and fat. The Fat burning hormones trigger the fat in the body which is then absorbed by the fat enzymes and release ketones (which is an efficient source of energy). Fat making hormones trigger the storage of sugar and convert sugar into fat. Most people are burning sugar which then converts to glucose and not burning fat.
In the next part of the video, Dr. Berg discusses about the single most important factor that determines whether a person burn belly fat or sugar. Insulin (hormone) is the single control factor. Insulin even in a smaller amount can stop burn belly fat. Sugar (or Insulin) has to be zero in order to burn fat fast. Ketosis is the healthiest fat burning foods for the heart, brain. For Ketosis, Carbohydrates has to be 5-10%, Proteins should be 25%, Fats should be 65-80% in a daily diet.
Ketosis should ALWAYS be done with ALL the facts, and knowing how to handle anything that comes up. In my NEW Body Type System, we will give you that understanding. It’s vital to understand the nutrition that needs to bee kept in balance, the fluid amounts, the amounts of carbs, fats and proteins, and the types of these macronutrients with regards to your body type.
**Made 1 math mistake on the eggs. The correct answer is this: 1 egg yolk is 138 grams of cholesterol and it would take 14 1/2 egg yolks to equal the amount of cholesterol your body makes in one day.
In this video, you’ll learn the two types of fuel (glucose and ketones). Ketosis is the breakdown of fat. Ketones are more efficient than glucose and puts out more energy. Insulin must be kept to close to zero. Dietary fat must be raised considerable.
Here are some studies that show how safe this diet is:………
For more information about Dr. Berg’s program in Alexandria, Virginia, call 703-354-7336.
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