6 Reasons Why You Should Do Planks Every Day! - Omax Health

6 Reasons Why You Should Do Planks Every Day!

6 Reasons Why You Should Do Planks Every Day!

Planks sure seem easy enough. For many of us, when it comes to exercise, hearing words like “easy” and “quick” are huge motivators. We all want results fast, but the hard work it takes can seem overwhelming and intimidating. Well… let’s talk about the plank! It’s easy, quick and yields results for those willing to commit to a daily routine. Check out this introductory video and let us know what you think…

From WaysAndHow Youtube

6 Good Reasons Why You Should Do Plank Daily. When you do the plank exercise your body burns fat faster, especially your belly fat. Watch this video to see exactly what would happen to your stomach and your entire body with this proven fat burning exercise.

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