How Beneficial is Intermittent Fasting For Our Bodies?

How Beneficial is Intermittent Fasting For Our Bodies?

Intermittent fasting is currently trending in the health world right now and for good reason. As more research is being conducted on the benefits of an IF diet, the more researchers are finding evidence that this new diet may decrease risk factors for a multitude of diseases, including diabetes, heart disease and cancer. However, the one question everyone seems to be focusing on is whether or not intermittent fasting is beneficial for weight loss.

The answer is yes.

Earlier this week a new study was released via the journal Cell Research that studied the effects of intermittent fasting using mice as the test subjects. The study lasted for 16 weeks and the researchers found that the mice that had been placed on an IF diet weighed much less in the control group. This study showcases something that previous research had not covered, which was the study of the metabolic benefits of being on an intermittent fasting diet. Previous research had found intermittent dieting to be effective for weight loss, but many of those studies followed participants for a few months, with many dropping out due to being unable to stick to the diet.

This leads us into the two videos below that will help teach you how to go about tackling an intermittent fasting diet for weight loss purposes.

How to do Intermittent Fasting for Serious Weight Loss

I Tried Intermittent Fasting for 10 DAYS | WHAT I EAT EVERYDAY (Before & After Results)

-One thing not to neglect, even while pursuing an intermittent fasting diet, is to make sure you are taking in omega-3 fatty acids. Doctors and experts around the world agree: getting the right balance of high-quality omega-3s are key to a healthy heart, mind and body — and the purer the omega-3s, the better for your body.

That’s why thousands have turned to the exceptional purity and potency of Omax3 The Ultra-Pure Omega-3 Supplement. Try it now!

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