Seafood Great for Omega-3s, Protein, and Low Fat

Are you trying to get your daily Omega-3 fatty acid intake, but aren’t a fan of salmon? Salmon may be one of the most Omega-3 enriched meats to consume, but that does not mean you are limited to just that. A variety of fish and shellfish contain various concentrations of Omega-3s. But, like all things, they should be consumed in moderation. Shellfish can contain high amounts of cholesterol and larger fish like tuna can contain higher quantities of mercury.
As long as you have sufficient nutritional information on what to eat, it will be easier to incorporate seafood into your daily diet. Check out our nutritional breakdown of some seafood below.
- Salmon is considered to be the fish most enriched in Omega-3 fatty acids. A 3-ounce serving of fresh or frozen salmon provides 1.1 to 1.9 g total omega-3, according to the AHA. A serving of salmon is high in protein and packed with B vitamins, which help contribute to the health of the nervous system and the metabolic system. It also is a great source for potassium and phosphorous.
- Shrimp is the most popular seafood in the United States and for good reason. They are a versatile addition to any recipe and contain a lot of nutritional benefits. A serving of shrimp provides about 15% of your daily omega-3 fatty acids. Three ounces of shrimp can contain 18g of lean protein and 1 gram of fat. However, if you are having issues with your cholesterol, it’s best to keep your shrimp intake at a minimum due to their surprisingly high amounts of cholesterol.
- Lobster may be considered a delicacy, but it is a delicacy that is rich in a variety of essential nutrients. Lobster is a rich source of copper, selenium, zinc, phosphorous, vitamin B12, vitamin E, magnesium, and a small amount of Omega-3 fatty acids. It does have a higher cholesterol content than shrimp. To make lobster a healthier alternative source of meat, choose olive oil or lemon zest instead of butter as a seasoning.
- Crab is generally a good go-to if you want a more flavorful meat. Crabs are considered a good source of Vitamin A and the various B vitamins like B12. Like lobster, crabs contain minterals like zinc and copper. Crabs also have chromium, which is good for blood sugar metabolism. Crabs do contain cholesterol and contain purines, which can be an issue for those who have gout.
- Oysters, mussels, and clams are bivalve mollusks that are low in mercury and high in nutritional content. They contain high levels of B12, iron, phosphorous, and zinc. Despite their general size, a 3-ounce serving of cooked mussels provides over 700mg of cardio-protective omega-3 fatty acids, which is more than twice the amount found in the same 3-ounce serving of shrimp. Mussels are high in sodium and cholesterol, so be careful of the amount you consume due to content. With regards to oysters, the mineral content is so high that there is a chance to suffer from toxicity or mineral overdose with over-consumption of oysters.
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