Top 6 Essential Vitamins & Supplements You're Probably Deficient In

The 6 key vitamins and supplements we describe might just be the things your body is missing.
Our food fuels our body, so it’s crucial we are careful about what we’re consuming. Unfortunately, even with meticulous attention to what we’re eating, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to get all of the vitamins and minerals we need to function at an optimal level. Thankfully, there are vitamins and supplements out there that are designed to help us fuel our body and stay healthy.
Which vitamins are the most important?
When you first start shopping for vitamin supplements, it can be a bit overwhelming. There are so many different brands and products on the market that you might not know where to start. Everyone has different needs, but there are a few key vitamins and supplements that many individuals should consider including in their daily routines. Take a look at our list of the most important vitamins and supplements for holistic health and wellness.Vitamin D & Bone Health
Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium effectively, which contributes to bone health. Without sufficient vitamin D, you may be more likely to get sick, have an increased risk of bone and back pain and experience bone deterioration and hair loss. People can usually get their vitamin D from sun exposure, but this isn’t always an option for people who live in regions with ample sunlight and those who have an extra sensitivity to UV rays. Vitamin D supplements come in both pill and liquid form so you can easily get your daily dose of vitamin D without the harmful effects of prolonged sun exposure. There are also some warning signs to consider which can suggest you might be deficient in Vitamin D to consider.Fish Oil Essential for Heart, Join, & Brain Health
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for targeting inflammation and helping in the body's overall well-being, ranging from supporting heart, joint, and brain health. However, our bodies cannot make omega-3s on their own, and must be derived from outside sources. While food, such as fish provides omega-3, it is estimated that the majority of people in the US are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids. Keep in mind the various benefits of EPA omega-3 vs DHA omega-3, and make sure that the omega-3 supplement you choose is one of quality and superior concentration.Calcium Maintains Teeth & Bone Health
It’s estimated that about 40 percent of the population of the United States isn’t getting enough calcium. Calcium helps keep bones and teeth healthy and strong and a calcium deficiency can result in declining bone density, especially in women. You can get calcium from foods like milk, cheese, yogurt, kale, beans and nut butters, but it isn’t always easy to fulfil your entire daily calcium requirement. A calcium supplement will keep your bones and teeth strong and is a great way to complement your diet.Magnesium Key for Bone, Stress, Sleep, & Muscle Health
Like calcium, magnesium is important for bone health. In addition, this essential nutrient also helps reduce stress, improve sleep, regulate muscle and nerve function and balance blood sugar levels, among other things. A magnesium deficiency can result in heart palpitations, muscle cramps, digestive problems and weak bones. You can get magnesium in your diet by eating foods like pumpkin, artichoke, spinach and brown rice. Unfortunately, even people who include these foods in their diet often still lack sufficient levels of magnesium. A quality magnesium supplement is a great option to boost your overall body function.Iron Boosts Energy Levels & Brain Function
Iron keeps your red blood cells healthy, increases your energy levels and improves your brain function. Many people lack proper levels of iron which can lead to fatigue, low energy, cramping and other side effects. Everyone has different iron needs, so it’s important to have your iron levels checked by a doctor to find out if you need an iron supplement. If you eat a vegan or vegetarian diet, it’s likely that your iron levels are low. Try to up your intake of iron-rich foods like spinach and legumes and take an iron supplement.Vitamin B-12 For Mood and Cognition
Vitamins like B-12 support your mood and cognitive functioning. Without enough B-12 in your diet, you might experience lower energy levels and decreased cell functioning. Taking a B-12 supplement can keep your cells working the way they should and help you avoid moodiness and fatigue. Ultimately, every person might have unique needs that require choosing which vitamin and supplement is best. You don’t have to stock up on every vitamin supplement that’s on the market to start experiencing improved health and wellness. Start small with some key vitamins and see how you feel after several months of consistent use. Once you get the right nutrients and vitamins onboard, you can start experiencing a number of outstanding benefits for your health.←Back to Main Blog