6 Ways You Can Restore Your Collagen Levels: Collagen Supplements, Nat - Omax Health

6 Ways You Can Restore Your Collagen Levels: Collagen Supplements, Natural Boosters, & More!

6 Ways You Can Restore Your Collagen Levels: Collagen Supplements, Natural Boosters, & More!

With the 6 approaches we describe below, you might be able to not only maintain your collagen levels, but boost them as well!

In our previous two articles of our Collagen Series, we’ve highlighted the incredibly important role of collagen in the human body. As the most abundant protein in the body, collagen levels play a major role in basic bodily functions, overall health and aging. Unfortunately, as we grow older, our collagen levels decline resulting in a number of undesirable symptoms.

Grey hair, joint pain, wrinkled and sagging skin and decreased muscle mass are all related to declining collagen levels. Although you can’t prevent all of these changes from taking place, there are several things that you can do to maintain your collagen levels and reduce the intensity of these symptoms:

Pay attention to your environment: how your lifestyle affect your collagen levels

Collagen levels are closely associated with environmental and lifestyle factors. Two people who are the same age can have dramatically different levels of collagen in their joints, hair and skin depending on their environment. One of the most important things you can do to maintain your collagen levels is to avoid harmful sun exposure. If you’re going to be in the sun, make sure to wear sunscreen and a hat to protect your skin from damaging UV rays that can deteriorate collagen. Protecting your skin allows you to avoid pigmentation problems and wrinkling.

Cut back on the sweets: correlation between sugar and collagen

Sugar isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it should only be enjoyed in moderation. Eating excessive amounts of processed sugar from candy, baked goods and processed foods is associated with a number of negative health effects, including collagen depletion. High sugar consumption promotes the production of molecules that degrade proteins in your body, including collagen.

Kick your bad health habits: smoking can affect collagen levels, too

Most people know that smoking is an unhealthy habit that leads to a number of cardiovascular issues like heart disease and stroke, but smoking can also deplete your collagen levels. The chemicals in tobacco smoke can damage the collagen in your skin, which causes it to lose its elasticity and develop wrinkles. Even spending time around other smokers can cause damage to your skin. You should try to quit smoking and avoid spending time around people while they are smoking.

Get plenty of sleep: repair your body’s damage

During sleep, your body repairs damage it has sustained over the course of your day. Proper sleep is crucial to the body’s natural restorative process which includes the production of collagen. You should aim to get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night to give your body the opportunity to fully recover from the day. Without enough sleep, your stress levels may elevate, which leads to a breakdown of your collagen. Sleeping for longer periods of time and sticking to a regular sleep schedule keeps your collagen levels up which can result in better skin appearance, less joint pain and greater muscle and bone strength.

Exercise regularly: increase hormone production

Exercise offers a number of incredible health benefits, including reduced stress levels, healthy weight maintenance, improved mood and, you guessed it, higher levels of collagen. Exercise spurs the production of hormones that help keep your body healthy by encouraging the growth of cells. The best types exercises to maintain your collagen levels are resistance and endurance training. Consistent exercise over the course of your life will mitigate the effects of aging and keep your muscles, joints, bones and skin healthy.

Take a collagen peptide supplement: boost your collagen production

In Part II of our Collagen Series, we described the difference between collagen, collagen peptides, and hydrolyzed collagen. Boosting your collagen levels with a collagen peptide supplement product can offset decreasing production as you age. The collagen peptides used in collagen supplements are typically derived from bovine tissue. These supplements usually come in a powder form that can be dissolved in hot or cold water. You should consult with a dietician to ask about their recommendations for collagen supplements. They will be able to help you identify products and brands that will offer you the best possible results.

Takeaway: holistic health helps you live life to the max!

While there are aspects of aging and collagen production you can’t control, you have a hand in more of your body’s functions and processes than you might realize. By understanding the things that you can control about your body, you can effectively make changes that result in better health outcomes.

Boosting your collagen levels can make a big difference, but it won’t cure all of your health concerns. Achieving holistic health and wellness takes dedication, mindfulness and hard work, but it’s possible if you stay focused and consistent. Nobody’s perfect, but you have the power to take steps towards a healthier, happier lifestyle.

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