Is Matcha Green Tea Really Good for You?
It seems like everywhere you turn, each “caramel macchiato” order is now matched by its “green...
Maximize Your Recovery with CBD!
What is CBD? Have you heard about CBD lately? If not, I’m curious how this blog...
CBD vs. Marijuana: What you need to know.
CBD vs. Marijuana: Why Do People Confuse Them? Today’s mainstream media is absolutely obsessed with CBD...
Keep Calm and CBD On!
Calming benefits of CBD or Cannabidiol CBD or Cannabidiol is being called ‘The Golden Child’ when...
How to Reverse a Sedentary Lifestyle & Avoid Its Consequences
Top 6 Tips for the Best Back-to-School College Experience
School is back in session. As we head into mid-September, millions of young adults are already...
Labor Day: Tips for Enjoying it to the Fullest
Labor Day—what began as a symbolic tribute to the American worker has become a national holiday,...
Why CBD Should Be Part of Your Labor Day
There’s nothing wrong with working hard, but everyone needs a chance to recharge once in a...
Stress Remedy User Reveals: “I Haven’t Slept Like This In...
Marc, from California, was one of millions of Americans suffering from insomnia and anxiety. He saw...
Kiss And Make Up Day: Power Of Love, Forgiveness, and...
August 25th is Kiss and Make Up Day! In honor of Kiss and Make Up Day...
Happy National Relaxation Day!
Finding the time to relax even for a couple minutes everyday is crucial to your health...
How to Make Intermittent Fasting a Part of Your Lifestyle...
The rigidity of an intermittent fasting schedule is something that takes a lot of getting used...
How to begin an Intermittent Fasting Diet (Part II)
Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just want to experiment with different lifestyle decisions, intermittent...
A Look at Intermittent Fasting: What is it? (Part I)
Fasting is a concept that’s been around for centuries. Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, recommended fasting...
International Coffee Day Extols the Greatest Beverage Ever Created
September 29th and October 1st are all about coffee! These days are recognized as National and...
Road to Spartan Part 3: Why?
“This is Sparta,” King Leonidas roars as he kicks a Persian emissary into a well. Gerard...
Road to Spartan Part 2: Athlete or Athletic?
Training for the Spartan Beast in Lake Tahoe with my partner Callie Bundy has brought up...
September 18th is National Cheeseburger Day: Celebrate With Healthier Twists...
Is there anything more satisfying than biting into a juicy cheeseburger to satisfy your hunger? Cheeseburgers...
Think Pink During National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
If you couldn’t guess by the abundance of pink ribbons making their appearance in a month...
Podcast Series: How CBD Increases Performance, Health, and Happiness
In this episode, we dive deep into CBD, learning about the endocannabinoid system, health benefits...
Road to Spartan: Part 4
When Callie Bundy and I decided to run the Spartan Beast at the Spartan World Championships...
Light vs. Dark Beer: Are There Benefits or Harm Between...
People have been enjoying light beer and dark year for years. Whether you’re drinking a pint...
How to Pick the Best CBD Hemp Product: 6 Things...
If you still haven’t heard of CBD, you will. New companies are penetrating the CBD market...
6 Ways You Can Restore Your Collagen Levels: Collagen Supplements,...
With the 6 approaches we describe below, you might be able to not only maintain your...