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A new Kansas State University study conducted by meat scientists has reported findings that indicates that...

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We all know that walnuts are full of a variety of health benefits. Researchers are continuously...

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You've probably heard of people being able to predict changes in the weather through sensations in their joints - maybe you've even experienced a rain-signaling tingle yourself. While it might sound like an improbable myth, there's a fair amount of proof that points toward a real connection.
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It’s better to start your New Year’s fitness resolutions now rather than in the New Year....

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Salmon is often one of the main omega-3 sources recommended by health professionals. New research, however, reveals that this might not be true for long.
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Is Turmeric all hype? Or is it worth adding to our diets? We’ve heard much about...

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If you make this mistake, you may have to restart your fitness journey all over again....

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We need to take extra steps to stay healthy through the holidays. The holidays are always...

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What health food will be trending in 2018? As we inch closer to the New Year,...

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It’s cold, which makes exercising hard. Winter is coming and that can post some difficulties with...

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Amount and quality of food work better for weight loss. In recent years, more research has...

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‘Plogging‘ is the new fitness trend to embrace. You’ve probably seen this fitness trend moving its...

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It’s time for us to shape up and maximize our heart health. The heart is the...

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Dark chocolate is the key to our heart. What do you think of when you think...

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Think you are too busy to exercise? Think again. It’s easy to get caught up in...

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Tom Brady applies his TB12 Method to his diet to alleviate or prevent inflammation. The Patriots...

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What if adding omega-3 fatty acids to our daily diet could help us get better sleep?...

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With an emphasis on natural anti-inflammatory foods and heart-healthy meal choices, the Mediterranean diet is something that’s easy to abide by and enjoy.
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If you want to shed weight through ketosis, be aware of what the keto diet entails before you start so you don't hit any roadblocks along the way!
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Using the food we have instead of wasting it is the key to taking your food...

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Struggling with nutrition? Up your game this March during Nutrition Month. We all know that we...

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It seems like everywhere you turn, each “caramel macchiato” order is now matched by its “green...

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What is CBD? Have you heard about CBD lately? If not, I’m curious how this blog...

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CBD vs. Marijuana: Why Do People Confuse Them? Today’s mainstream media is absolutely obsessed with CBD...

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