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By now, you’ve been bombarded with recipes and fitness routines to aid you in your weight-loss...

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omaxYou swear up and down to yourself that you’re making the effort. You’re dieting, staying active...

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Here at OmaxBlog.com we are always looking for simple and effective workouts that beginners can do...

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If you’re one to put off exercise, and movement in general, because a binge-worthy season of...

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Dealing with that annoying extra mass around the mid-section? This collection of tips and tricks compiled...

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There are a number of reasons why you may not want to the gym. It can...

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Are you like me and skip breakfast? Or do you always go for the same old...

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A very large part of the road to better health is mental. We are faced with...

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What we put in our bodies has a great hand in the maintenance and upkeep of...

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FISH OIL! Every professional athlete, coach and nutritionist knows that getting a high-quality fish oil is...

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Omega 3 – are you buying Lard? Buyer beware, many of the top selling omega-3 products...

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Keeping your system clean is a major part of losing calories. This simple adjustment to your...

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Our smart phones are basically attached to our hips these days. We use them to manage...

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Do you need to jump start your fitness motivation? These tips will help. Working out can...

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Did you know that we can produce our own Vitamin D through our skin when its...

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There are so many vitamins and nutrients that we should be consuming to maintain our body’s...

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When we focus on exercise and trying to get into shape, most of us tend to...

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Aging is inevitable, but we can still take steps to prevent it. Can it really be...

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Is the Ketogenic Diet right for you? The Ketogenic Diet has been buzzing lately in the...

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You might have heard about probiotics before, but do you actually know what they are and...

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We all need carbohydrates in order to fuel our body and keep it running. However, too...

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Summer vacation is over and, as we all struggle to adjust to our regular work and...

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With recent studies finding more evidence to support that fats aren’t as unhealthy as we thought...

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It can be easy to blame our busy schedules for why we are exhausted. And we...

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